An American Union leader and five times the candidate of the Socialist party for President of the US, Eugene Victor Debs had once said, “I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world”. It’s hard to learn but no doubt this saying is solely introducing about the saturated character of citizens of earth.
This isn't the hidden fact that the current societies have soulfully adopted an individual mentality instead of global mentality. In fact the modern shape of this system and an inhuman strategies of current society holders have resulted an unwilling adaptation in separate environment by making their own individual countries.
Theoretically, citizens symbolize all those members of the nation who legally deserves the right to live, work, share idea and politically participate in activities of the nation from their related region or area. But, when it comes to suppose the citizen of earth, then the first and the most necessity will count those entire individuals who have an ability to view the world through the vision of Humanity.
Statistical observation by the United States Census Bureau’s in 2013 expresses that the total number of citizen residing in 196 countries of the world is 7.169 Billion. The USCB had figured that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012. If a separate calculation by the UNPF is to be believed, it reached this milestone on October 31st, 2011. With unstoppable time interval, the world’s population is ceaselessly incrementing since the end of the great famine and the Black Death 1350, when it was near 370 million. The quickest growth rates- global population increases above 1.8% per year and in this way the global population is expected to reach between 8.3 and 10.9 billion by 2050.
But what is about the modernization in behaviour of citizen towards the current Earth? Unfortunately
it is still the same as it used to be in dinosaur era where no emotion and care related to own surrounding used to exist which has later resulted destruction.
This won’t be wrong to say most of the human in this 21st have become slave of their own mentality as they have started to live the life from their own. Everyone doesn't pay interest to do something for their environment. That’s why one doesn't have to attempt revolutionary move but necessarily needs to adapt in commonness with everyone who needs it. The sense of helping people without expecting anything in return needs to magnify. Whatever be the condition, one shouldn't spare their denouncement attitude to all acts of injustice. Instead of blaming politicians or representatives for the worst condition, one needs to learn to choose the governing body with active participation. Some are modest but change inviting habits needs to triumph; helping elderly people in walks of their life, avoiding custom of bouncing thrash to streets, cleaning or inspiring other to clean city, public places et cetera. Social duties needs to get encouraged, entirely dropping off one’s involvement in sex and drug abuse, domestic violence, molestation etcetera.
Promptness should be shown by each citizen in erasing the basic problem like religion conflict, bias mentality, sex discrimination, animal sacrificing etcetera. Finally I would like to suggest everyone to assume themselves not only the part of the world’s population, not only the citizen of their own
It is difficult but surely not impossible task to bring heroic revolution one day. And we will be answered;
Are we a citizen of this earth?
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